Archive for October, 2004


Hieroglyphics vs. Bjork vs. Spiny Norman

Geezermexxer: Since the mashup was actually born out of the “Intro’s”, I’m offering these as two seperate mixes in one mp3!
Nothing technically dazzling, just the typical straight-forward slice and dice that I guess I’m best known for.And if this inspires a bit more of the razzle-dazzle that I know a lot of you mixers out there are capable of, please feel free to express yourself with what I’ve done.
I’ll look forward to hearing any of the improvements or enchancements anyone might have.And so, for your dining and dancing pleasure:
The Geez vs The Beatles – Intros and MashUp Combo
00:00 – 06:51 The Beatles Intro’s
A rapid-fire romp thru SEVENTY (70) of The Beatle’s songs introductions.

07:00 – 27:06
A easier flowing compilation mix of some Beatles music inspired when putting together the Beatles Intro’s mix.

The mixer list is now updated and will remain so for good. It’s automated now.

Good side of that is if we put up a mix of yours on here, your name will appear on the right forever.

Bad news is yeah, it’s a giant list cuz everyone that every contributed something to the site is now on it. I used to prune off people who hadn’t contributed for more then a year but it was a pain in the ass and we’re trying to get more automated. So gigantic list of esoteric nicknames it is.

Share and Enjoy!

Spiny Norman presents a remixed homage to one of the most seminal dance albums of the 90s, Booter living through chemashtry.


DJ Bacon’s official homepage, packed to the gills with mixes.


Tons of links, some great tunes @ DJ RIKO


k you can now download the latest mixes from the list on the right side of the main page. It’s should always be fairly current and have the latest mixes.

There’s the small problem that it looks horrid and screws the design of the site a bit; I’ll try to fix that um soon.

Please don’t LEFT CLICK the mix to stream. Please RIGHT CLICK and select SAVE TARGET AS to download the mix to your hard drive. If you stream off the site over and over, you’ll fuck us on bandwidth and we’ll have to shut down fast access for the mixes until the conclusion of our billing cycle. Only you can prevent forest fires or something.

b00mb0x has friends!

If you contribute to our site and have a site you would like to be linked to by us put the site in these comments and we’ll add it to the friends page in a jiffy.

Newest mixes are down until tomorrow morning. Part of the inner hammering going on this month. Sorry.

Tutorials section is cleaned up and ready for prime time. Wanna write a tutorial? Write out the text and whatever images you wanna use (it doesn’t have to have images but it helps) and email it on over to us. We’d love to have it

Links on the b00mb0x awards page are working again. Here’s the deal. If you win 1st in any category in the yearly awards, your mix will be available here at high speed ferever. Consider it yer brush with immortality. Hehe.


Clicking the below link and donating will directly help pay our site hosting costs. That includes the bandwidth to get new mixes, which we are now skirting the limits of as the site becomes more and more popular. Basically, we’re going to have to start shutting down serving new mixes early each month after our bandwidth limit gets hit. If you donate at the below link, that won’t happen. Or you’ll buy us some time. The money goes directly to our site host. So unfortunately, we can’t use it for hookers and blow.

Donate towards our web hosting bill!

The Staff of b00mb0x thanks you.

Oh, and naz wants you to know that by donating you don’t really get anything back other then karmic peace. As he put it this morning, “First person that demands something of me because he donated I’m ditching.” If you’d like something back then I suggest grabbing something from our cafepress shop. But we’re totally spending that money on hookers and blow.