Archive for June, 2003

Over the next few weeks you might notice some weird stuff on this page; things like entries appearing and disappearing and extra months appearing (from 2000, 2001 and 2002) in the news archive list on the right. It’s all part of the preparations for b00mb0x version 6: most of the site will be becoming database-driven and, hopefully, better.


FirstBorn mix 2 Pop Music kicks off this month

Police Academy: Operation Enduring Mahoney

Steve Guttenberg (Carey Mahoney), Bubba Smith (Moss HIghtower), Michael Winslow (Larvell Jones), G.W. Bailey (Lt. Thaddeus Harris) , Bruce Mahler (Cpt Douglas Fackler), Cliff Curtis (Sheik Abdul Camelhopper)

Recruited to provide order in post-war Baghdad, the bumbling Police Academy gang run into more trouble, this time with a local tyrant Sheik (Cliff Curtis) & Lt. Harris (G.W Bailey) who is now apparently an army Lieutenant (!?). READ MORE